Extreme floods and droughts worsening with climate change, study finds

Click:four wordles at once The intensity of extreme drought and rainfall has “sharply” increased over the past 20 years, according to a study published Monday in the journal Nature Water. These aren’t merely tough weather events, they are leading to extremes such as crop failure, infrastructure damage, even humanitarian crises and conflict. The big picture…

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Afghanistan : un journaliste franco-afghan détenu depuis cinq mois

Mortaza Behboudi, 29 ans, un sourire toujours accroché aux lèvres. Sur des photos, on le voit en reportage pour France Télévisions à Bamiyan en Afghanistan. Le 7 janvier dernier, le journaliste franco-afghan est arrêté à Kaboul par une patrouille de talibans, avant d’être transféré dans une prison. Il serait aujourd’hui accusé d’espionnage. Sa femme, Alxandra,…

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Guide 101: Everything You Need to Know About 3D E-commerce

Shopping has always been evolving, from traditional brick-and-mortar stores to modern online shopping—technology is making shopping easier and more convenient. And the new trend is 3D e-commerce. Have you ever wished you could pick up a product and examine it from all angles before making a purchase online? Thanks to 3D e-commerce, that wish is…

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MoFi Electronics

Affable speaker designer Andrew Jones held court in room 334, explaining the details behind his new SourcePoint 888 floorstanding speakers ($4999/pair), an AXPONA world premiere (review forthcoming). Unfortunately, he couldn’t play his speakers due to the hotel’s intermittent Wi-Fi, which plagued many rooms. MoFi’s System 1, in this hotel suite, included a HiFi Rose RS150B…

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