2024 Aug News: FK notice on changing setscrews in eccentric collar

Dear Customers, In order to improve the locking reliability and inner bore accuracy of bearing with eccentric collar. FK make some change of setscrew size in eccentric collar. Following is the details. Eccentric collar size Original setscrew size New setscrew size EC207-EC210 M8*1 M10*1.25 EC211-EC215 M10*1 M12*1.5 EC207-XX~EC210-XX(Inch) 5/16-24UNF 3/8-24UNF EC211-XX~EC215-XX(Inch) 3/8-24UNF 7/16-20UNF This change…

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Fictiv Launches Carbon Neutral Shipping Program

Time to read: 2 min Digital Manufacturing Ecosystem will leverage carbon offsets to reduce environmental impact and fight climate change SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 01, 2020 – As part of a concerted effort to standardize sustainability measures within global manufacturing, Fictiv today unveiled a new carbon neutral shipping program to offset the environmental footprint of transportation-generated carbon emissions. …

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Haddonfield Hooper Makes SportsCenter Top 10 With Half-Court Shot

Click:Gravity Concentration Equipment HADDONFIELD, NJ — Between NBA highlights, Spring Training news and NFL offseason updates, a Haddonfield seventh-grader’s buzzer-beater from beyond halfcourt wowed SportsCenter viewers around the nation. Click Here: Sara Guveiyian’s game-winner has gone viral. More importantly, the successful halfcourt heave broke a tie with Washington Township to secure Haddonfield’s 40-37 victory Sunday…

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Election présidentielle en Turquie : que peut changer (ou pas) le nouveau mandat de Recep Tayyip Erdogan dans les relations internationales ?

Cinq ans de plus. Après deux décennies au pouvoir, Recep Tayyip Erdogan a été réélu président de la Turquie, dimanche 28 mai. Le chef de l’Etat sortant, âgé de 69 ans, a remporté le second tour du scrutin avec près de 52,16% des suffrages sur la quasi-totalité des bulletins dépouillés (99,85%), selon l’agence officielle Anadolu, devançant…

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gnite Your Business Transformation with JINPENG’s Futuristic 3 Wheel Electric Trikes

Welcome to the future of business transportation! JINPENG is proud to present our innovative line of 3 wheel electric trikes, designed to revolutionize the way businesses operate. With their sleek design, advanced features, and eco-friendly nature, our trikes are the perfect solution for companies seeking efficient and sustainable transportation options. This article will explore the…

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[RECTIFICATIF] Les instructeurs militaires russes poursuivront leurs activités en Centrafrique, assure Sergueï Lavrov

[RECTIFICATIF. Une précédente version de cet article imputait à Sergueï Lavrov une traduction erronée de ses propos. Le ministre russe n’a pas déclaré que Wagner allait poursuivre ses opérations au Mali et en Centrafrique, mais que les instructeurs de l’armée russe continueraient leur mission en Centrafrique. Nous présentons nos excuses à nos lecteurs.] Click Here:…

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Schaeffler celebrates 75 years in Connecticut

The Schaeffler Group celebrated the 75th anniversary of its Danbury manufacturing operations located in the U.S. state of Connecticut. In just the past 15 years, the global manufacturer of precision components and systems for the automotive, industrial and aerospace sectors has invested over $55 million in its Connecticut operations. Georg F. W. Schaeffler, family shareholder…

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