Analog Corner #259: Audio Union Döhmann Helix 1 turntable and Schröder CB tonearm

Turntables, tonearms, and phono cartridges are tuned systems. That each of them can be adjusted to maximize the sound quality—especially the quality called tunefulness, which is difficult to quantify—drives vinyl deniers crazy. Today, one of them e-mailed me: “You are the stupidest motherfucker I have ever encountered. Go shove a tone-arm up your ass.” He…

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Japon : la Cour suprême juge "inconstitutionnelle" l'obligation de stérilisation pour officialiser un changement d'état civil

C’était une décision très attendue. La Cour suprême japonaise a jugé inconstitutionnel, mercredi 25 octobre, le fait d’imposer aux personnes transgenres de se faire stériliser pour pouvoir changer de sexe dans les registres d’état civil. Elle considère que cette obligation engendre de “graves restrictions” sur la vie d’une personne et “limite le libre droit à…

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AEW Rampage Ratings Report (7/28): Viewership and demo rating for episode with Rose-Shida, Tag Team Rampage Rumble, yearly averages

SPOTLIGHTED PODCAST ALERT (YOUR ARTICLE BEGINS A FEW INCHES DOWN)… Last Friday night’s AEW Rampage on TNT (7/28) drew 324,000 viewers, a drop from the prior week of 415,000. The ten-week average is 377,000 which includes some weeks when Rampage aired outside of its usual timeslot. The average through 30 weeks this year is 399,000,…

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Chlorine Tablets Safety Guide: Operational Precautions and Emergency Handling Chlorine tablets are essential in maintaining the cleanliness and safety of swimming pools, spas, and water treatment systems. As an effective disinfectant, they help to eliminate bacteria, viruses, and algae, ensuring water is safe for use. However, to achieve the best results and avoid potential hazards, it…

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