
Mouvement anti-bassines : un "convoi de l'eau" partira de Sainte-Soline pour rallier Paris en août

Click:HPMC Le collectif “Bassines non merci” et les Soulèvements de la Terre appellent à participer à un “convoi de l’eau” partira de Sainte-Soline (Deux-Sèvres) pour rallier Paris, du 18 au 27 août, rapporte France Bleu Poitou samedi 3 juin. >>> “Mégabassines” : la justice valide la construction de toutes les bassines des Deux-Sèvres Cette nouvelle mobilisation…

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11/25 MLW FUSION ON THANKSGIVING RESULTS: MLW National Openweight Championship ladder match, TJP vs. Tankman in Opera Cup Semifinal, more

SPOTLIGHTED PODCAST ALERT (YOUR ARTICLE BEGINS A FEW INCHES DOWN)… MLW FUSION ON THANKSGIVING TV RESULTS NOVEMBER 25, 2021Click Here: Scotland Rugby Shirt PHILIADELPHIA, PA Announcers: Rich Bocchini and St. Laurent TJP defeated Calvin Tankman – Opera Cup Semifinal Match Gnarls Garvin defeated Budd Heavy Alex Kane defeats Alex Shelley, Myron Reed, Zenshi, and ACH…

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MSB Technology S500 Stereo Amplifier, Reference DAC, and Reference Transport with Magico M2 Speakers

A visit to the MSB Technology room yielded a formidable debut, the company’s new S500 stereo amplifier, which delivers 500W of power with apparent ease and efficiency, demonstrated with the mighty Magico M2 loudspeaker ($63,600/pair with required MPod bases), which was featured in the February 2020 Stereophile. The hybrid class-AB amp uses zero negative feedback—which,…

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Audio Shows, Music Events Continue to Close

Earlier today, the Montreal Audiofest announced that it would either be postponed or canceled, becoming the latest coronavirus-related casualty. For now the show is considered merely postponed, with news about possible rescheduling coming before the end of March. AXPONA, the western hemisphere’s biggest show, announced its postponement Monday. The closure of High End Munich was…

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