
The Day the Music Died

If you’re a music fan—and if you’re reading this, you probably are—you’ve heard this already: On June 11, the New York Times Magazine published an investigative report about a 2008 fire that destroyed a vault at Universal Studios in Los Angeles. Workers were repairing a roof on an oft-reused movie set, heating asphalt tiles with…

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Bryston’s New BDA-3.14 Streamer/DAC

Before the revelation of Bryston’s new BDA-3.14 streamer/DAC/digital preamp ($4195) came another, far less welcome one: The Gaylord Resort and Convention Center is huge. Ridiculously huge, and constructed with less-than-penetrable logic. “You’re sure going to get your 10,000 Fitbit steps in today,” quipped a fellow audio reviewer as we both attempted to navigate the quarter…

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C’est le plus grand mystère du Seigneur des Anneaux, et il n’est pas dans les films !

Personnage emblématique dans les écrits de Tolkien, l'énigmatique Tom Bombadil est absent de la trilogie du "Seigneur des Anneaux" réalisée par Peter Jackson. Mais pourquoi ? L'interprète de Pippin a une explication. De tous les personnages qui peuplent les pages du Seigneur des Anneaux, ou plus largement les écrits de J.R.R. Tolkien, Tom Bombadil fait…

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Dealer Event: Customer Appreciation in Newport Beach, California

Saturday September 14th from 6 pm–10 pm, Excel Audio in Newport Beach, California, will be hosting its second annual Customer Appreciation night. In attendance will be representatives from Wilson Audio, D’Agostino, Luxman, Clearaudio, and Impex Records. The featured system will be the Wilson Audio Alexxes with Master Subsonic Subs driven by D’Agostino electronics with vinyl…

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