Mario Mattera: 'Truly An Honor' To Be Re-Elected To NYS Senate District 2

SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY — State Sen. Mario Mattera (R—Suffolk) emerged victorious in the New York 2nd Senate District race against Democratic challenger Craig Herskowitz, according to unofficial results.

The 2nd State Senate District covers the townships of Huntington and Smithtown.

Mattera wrote a letter to the editor declaring victory in the race. Below is his full letter.

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Dear Editor:

It is truly an honor to be reelected by the residents of the 2nd Senate District. I want to sincerely thank them for entrusting me with the privilege of serving as their representative in the New York State Senate. Their faith and trust in me are deeply appreciated, and I look forward to continuing to fight to ensure their voices are heard in Albany.

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I also want to express my heartfelt gratitude to my wife, Terry, and our two daughters, Jessica and Jayme, for their unwavering love and support throughout this past election season. Their presence and encouragement have been immeasurable, and words cannot fully capture how fortunate I am to have them by my side every single day.

Furthermore, I feel it is important to publicly acknowledge my sincerest appreciation for every individual and group that supported me throughout this campaign, especially our major labor organizations and police unions. Their backing was instrumental to this victory and will continue to be essential as we strive to better our region for all who live and work here. I am honored by their trust and know how hard they work for their families and our community.

Now that the campaign is over, it is time to set politics aside and focus on the issues that truly matter to the hardworking men and women of our community. I am ready to work with everyone who is committed to building a brighter future for our state. Together, we can create a future that outshines our past.

The challenges we face are too significant for division or partisanship. To overcome these obstacles, we must come together, regardless of party or ideology. Whether it’s improving our schools, protecting our environment, creating more job opportunities, or ensuring the safety of our families, our priorities must reflect the needs of everyday New Yorkers. We have the power to make a real difference, but only if we work together — across party lines, regions, and generations.

As we move forward, I want every resident of the 2nd Senate District to know that their voice matters and is crucial to building a better New York. I invite everyone in the Towns of Huntington and Smithtown to share their thoughts, concerns, and ideas about our collective future. Please feel free to email me at [email protected] or call my office at 631-361-2154. Your views and opinions are invaluable and will help shape our policy as I bring your voice back to the State Legislature.

Once again, I am tremendously grateful to the residents of the 2nd Senate District for trusting me. Thank you, and I look forward to working hard to fulfill this extraordinary responsibility.


Mario R. Mattera
New York State Senator for the 2nd District

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