Bruce Prichard Reviews Netflix’s ‘Mr. McMahon’: “I Thought It Sucked, It Wasn’t Balanced At All”

Bruce Prichard has shared his thoughts on Netflix’s new multi-part “Mr. McMahon” docuseries, which premiered on the streaming platform on September 25.

The former longtime right-hand man of Vince McMahon said he felt the six-part documentary series was a “gotcha piece” specifically designed to make McMahon “look sh*tty.”

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“Thought [it] sucked,” Prichard said. “I didn’t think it was balanced at all. I thought it was a gotcha piece. I thought it was portrayed as a gotcha piece. It was all about, ‘How can we make Vince look back? Let’s make him look sh*tty here, let’s make him look sh*tty there.’ I’m close to it. I live it. It’s personal to me.”

When asked what he felt was missing, particularly from the earlier episodes in the documentary, Prichard said it was the human side of the man himself.



“The human side,” he said. “Look, Vince is a businessman. But also, the other side of Vince is, when my wife got cancer, Vince made sure she had the best care in the world.”

Prichard continued, “My wife was given a four-year life expectancy. Best-case scenario. That was 24 years ago. That was because Vince McMahon made sure she got the best care available. It wasn’t a documentary on Vince and Vince’s life and Vince’s story. It was, ‘See what an asshole Vince McMahon is. Let’s see how big of an asshole we can make him.’ If he were one, I would support that, but he’s not.”

“Mr. McMahon” is available now for Netflix subscribers.

(H/T to for transcribing the above quotes.)