Adam Pearce says he has COVID-19, Kayla Braxton says she tested positive, joining Renee Young in WWE personnel going public about positive test results


Three WWE personnel, all three of whom have been on camera week after week interacting with a lot of unmasked, untested WWE wrestlers in segment not essential for WWE programming – have gone public in the last 24 hours that they have COVID-19 – interviewers Renee Young and Kayla Braxton and WWE exec Adam Pearce.

Kayla Braxton posted on her Twitter account that has since been deleted: “Was keeping it quiet but since everyone else is sharing, I feel like it is my responsibility to share this PSA: YOU CAN GET COVID-19 MORE THAN ONCE! I had it back in early March and then thought I was invincible after I recovered. Not true. Don’t be dumb like me.”

It should be noted that Kayla’s second positive test could be remnant evidence of her initial COVID-19 case last March/April, especially if she hadn’t been tested since.

(Keller’s Analysis: This weekend I wrote an editorial in PWTorch Newsletter before the COVID-19 positive test results were revealed today and yesterday. The headline: “Pandemic Precautions Slacking” (ARTICLE LINK – VIP membership required.) This isn’t bad luck as much as it’s a result of WWE loosening its once strict standards little by little over the last few months at a time when society was loosening up. Because the risk of transference of COVID-19 grew much higher as a result of loosening of restrictions, that’s a time when WWE should have upped their precautions and began mandatory thorough pre-taping testing of everyone. This was avoidable.)

RECOMMEDED: KELLER’S TAKE: An increasingly cavalier attitude in society to this pandemic increases need for wrestlers and promoters to be more cautionary than ever if shows are going to continue

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