[RECTIFICATIF] Les instructeurs militaires russes poursuivront leurs activités en Centrafrique, assure Sergueï Lavrov

[RECTIFICATIF. Une précédente version de cet article imputait à Sergueï Lavrov une traduction erronée de ses propos. Le ministre russe n’a pas déclaré que Wagner allait poursuivre ses opérations au Mali et en Centrafrique, mais que les instructeurs de l’armée russe continueraient leur mission en Centrafrique. Nous présentons nos excuses à nos lecteurs.] Click Here:…

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Is This a Record? JA Honored Again

In the middle of AXPONA’s annual pre-show industry reception, held Thursday evening in the huge Schaumburg Ballroom of the Schaumburg Hotel & Convention Center, Paul Miller (on the right in the photo above), Director of AVTech Media/AVTech Media Americas—which publishes Stereophile, AudioStream, InnerFidelity, AnalogPlanet, Sound & Vision, and the UK’s Hi-Fi News & Record Review…

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Vimberg Tonda Speakers, Karan M 2000 Amps, Thales Statement Tonearm, Crystal Cable Future Dream Cables

Canada’s Wynn Audio sure mixed it up, to good effect, in a system that included two premieres: Crystal Cable’s Future Dream 15th Anniversary limited-edition series, which combines proprietary monocrystal silver and silver-gold alloy in a four-coaxial-conductor construction insulated by Dupont Kapton and Teflon, and the Entreq Silver Tellus Infinity ground box ($2400 each), a passive…

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Wharfedale Linton, Quad Artera Solus, MoFi Superdeck+U, Solidsteel, Finite Elemente, Cardas

MoFi Distribution’s Jonathan Derda was demming the Wharfedale Linton, 3-way stand-mounted speakers ($1498/pair with stands) using a neat little Quad Artera Solus integrated amplifier ($1999), both products making their US debuts at AXPONA. He played me “Sympathy for the Devil” from the Stones’ Beggars Banquet album on a MoFi StudioDeck+U player ($1499 with MoFi UltraTracker…

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