Just as I dashed into the Expo Hall to check out Coherence Systems’ ADD-POWR SorcerX4 ($4399.95) and smaller Apprentice ($3299.95) harmonic conditioning devices, Bill Stierhout (above) was packing up. We just had enough time to snap this photo before his booth became a booth no more. Stierhout, the man who developed Nordost’s Quantum technology used…

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France celebrates addition of baguette to U.N.’s world heritage list: “250 grams of magic and perfection”

The baguette, one of the quintessential staples of French life, has been awarded special protected status. France’s long, crusty and delicious loaf bread was added to UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage list on Wednesday, inscribing the “artisanal know-how and culture of baguette bread” behind the French bread as an integral part of human culture and protecting…

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Ce soir sur Amazon : noté 1,2 sur 5, ce film est une véritable insulte à Jurassic Park

Découvrez "Ptérodactyles", hilarant nanar réalisé en 2005, dans lequel un groupe de scientifiques est pris pour cible par des dinosaures volants. Lorsque le professeur d’archéologie Michael Lovecraft, accompagné de ses élèves, se lance dans une expédition à la frontière turco-arménienne pour tenter d’y retrouver des fossiles préhistoriques, il est loin de se douter que l’aventure…

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Alex Sound Technology Shows Japanese SET (Takatsuki) and Digital (Sforzato), & German loudspeakers (Blumenhofer Acoustics)

As an enterprising Stereophile reporter, I do my homework. When I saw that Alex Sound Technology, of Windermere, Florida, was bringing the gorgeous Japanese Takatsuki 300B TA-S01 SET amplifier ($32,000, 8Wpc, new to the USA), along with new Japanese brand Sforzato (below), including their DST-050EX network transport ($4600), DSC-030EX Zero Link DAC ($9900), DSP-030EX Network…

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