Graduation Dates Set In Stamford Public Schools

STAMFORD, CT — Dates for graduation and moving up ceremonies have been set in Stamford Public Schools. The Stamford Board of Education last week reviewed the dates, which were recommended by building principals and the Stamford Police Department. Click Here: The dates and times are as follows: Find out what's happening in Stamfordwith free, real-time…

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Moon by Simaudio, Estelon, Cardas Audio

All prices listed are in Canadian dollars. I heard rarefied, potently musical sound (out-of-this-world sound? hehe) in the Moon by Simaudio room. The system included, from Moon by Simaudio’s North Collection, the Moon 891 network player / preamplifier with built-in DAC and MM / MC phono stage (starting at $32,500), a 300Wpc Moon 861 power…

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Guerre en Ukraine : l'Otan étudie la possibilité d'abattre les missiles russes qui s'approchent trop de ses frontières

Une solution radicale pour éviter les violations d’espace aérien. L’Otan envisage la possibilité d’abattre les missiles russes qui s’approcheraient trop des frontières de l’Alliance atlantique, a déclaré le vice-ministre polonais des Affaires étrangères Andrzej Szejna, mardi 26 mars. “Divers concepts sont à l’analyse au sein de l’Otan” depuis qu’un missile de croisière russe tiré vers des…

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