
Trumbull Town Planner Named International Power Breaking Champion

Click:pipe cutting machine manufacturer TRUMBULL, CT — Town Planner Rob Librandi was recently named an international power breaking champion after competing at the World Martial Arts Championships earlier this month. Librandi competed in the championships, held July 5-6 in Florida, where he earned the title of International Sport Karate Association (ISKA) World Heavyweight Black Belt…

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Pickleball4All Celebrates Opening With Ribbon-Cutting In Glenview

GLENVIEW, IL — Local pickleball players have a new “top-notch” club to play at in Glenview. Pickleball4All recently opened at 2105 Johns Court, just west of the Loyola Academy Athletic Campus. Owned by Rozel Elazegui, the 20,400-square-foot facility features seven pickleball courts. Recently, the Glenview Chamber of Commerce held a ribbon-cutting at the business. “Check…

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