
Cambridge Audio CXA81 integrated amplifier

Click:my giftcardmall com mygiftDuring my tenure as a Stereophile writer, I’ve reviewed a lot of integrated amplifiers. The mostly moderately priced integrated machines I’ve reviewed have included the Heed Audio Elixir ($1195), Luxman SQ-N150 ($2795) and L-509X ($9495), NAD C 328 Hybrid Digital ($549), Octave Audio V 80 SE ($10,500), Rega Brio ($995), and Schiit…

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Gramophone Dreams #45: T+A Solitaire P headphones & HA 200 DAC-headphone amplifier

What I categorize as mainstream, dealer-based, fancy-pants streamers and big-speakers audio is actually only the gold-plated tip of a gigantic asteroid-like monolith that extends (underground) from New York to Hong Kong, from the Arctic Circle to Antarctica. This immense audio-social mass is mostly invisible to the Madison Avenue mainstream, but simple Google searches expose millions…

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