MoFi Electronics

Affable speaker designer Andrew Jones held court in room 334, explaining the details behind his new SourcePoint 888 floorstanding speakers ($4999/pair), an AXPONA world premiere (review forthcoming). Unfortunately, he couldn’t play his speakers due to the hotel’s intermittent Wi-Fi, which plagued many rooms.

MoFi’s System 1, in this hotel suite, included a HiFi Rose RS150B network streamer ($4995), HiFi Rose RA180 integrated amp ($6995), IsoTek V5 Titan line conditioner (in for review, $4995), Solidsteel HW-2L rack ($1699), and Cardas Clear Beyond speaker and signal cables.

Quoted in a press release, Jones said, “My goal for the SourcePoint 888 is to enhance the technology and sound quality of the SourcePoint 8 and elevate it to an even higher performance level.”

Like the other MoFi SourcePoint speakers—the standmount SourcePoint 10 and SourcePoint 8, the SourcePoint 888’s utilizes a concentric driver with a 1.25″ wide-roll soft-dome tweeter and an 8″ paper-cone midrange driver. In contrast to the other two SourcePoint speakers, the 888 is a floorstander and adds two 8″ woofers to the concentric driver, also with paper cones. The woofers cross over at 130Hz, so all directional frequencies are handled by the concentric driver. The dual-ported cabinet stands 42.1” high, 12.6” wide, and 16.1” deep and weighs 96.2lb. The specified frequency range is 32Hz–30kHz, and the nominal impedance is 6 ohms, with a minimum impedance 4.5 ohms. The sensitivity is specified at 87dB/2.83V/m. The SourcePoint 888 is expected to be available sometime in the second quarter of this year.

MoFi’s System 2 included the MoFi Electronics MasterDeck with UltraGold MC cart (in for review, $6995), MoFi Electronics MasterPhono phono preamp ($5995), and the fantastic Mastersound Evolution 845 SET amp ($18,995) driving Jones’s SourcePoint 10 speakers ($2999/pair). A Solidsteel VL-2 rack ($799), Isotek V5 Sirius line conditioner ($1195), and Cardas Clear Reflection speaker and signal cables completed the setup.

System 1 was out of commission when I visited, but the next morning, when I spoke with MoFi Electronics MasterDeck designer Allen Perkins, System 2 was absolutely storming. I was knocked flat by its exceptional soundstage, which was deep and immense, with instruments precisely placed and finely layered within. With a system this dynamic and energized, who needs coffee?

In the following video Jones give an overview of the SourcePoint 888. It also includes clips from the audio demo. To get a feel for the sound, use good headphones.

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