Living Sounds Audio Discovery Warp-1 power amplifier

It takes a while for audio-related technologies to mature. Tubed amplifiers were invented by Lee de Forest in the nineteen-teens, but while there are still some adherents of early high-distortion triode designs, the age of mainstream high-fidelity amplification dawned with higher-power/lower-distortion amplifiers developed by Williamson and McIntosh followed by the Ultralinear take on the Williamson…

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PS Audio UltraLink D/A processor

The night before I started to write this review, PBS began a five-part series on computers called “The Machine that Changed the World.” The first episode described the development of the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Accumulator), the first electronic computer. The ENIAC used 18,000 vacuum tubes, had over 500,000 solder joints, required a room…

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Analog Corner #319: Paradox Phono 70 Signature phono preamplifier

Click:NBA 直播One privilege of being a Stereophile columnist is the opportunity to cover products from smaller, less well-known manufacturers, including those that don’t have wide enough distribution to qualify for a full review. One such company is Victorville, California–based Paradox. I’d never heard of them until I received an email from Terence Robinson, the company’s…

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dCS Rossini Apex D/A processor

The text, from Gary Bruestle, a speaker-positioning wizard at Definitive Audio in Seattle, left my mouth watering: “Have you heard the Apex version of a Rossini or Vivaldi yet? It’s stunningly good. Addictive, even. … I usually have a hard time relaxing and listening to music in the showroom, but the Rossini Apex DAC had…

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Ce soir à la télé, Men in Black sans Will Smith : clash en coulisse, scénario pas fini, bide au box office… retour sur une production houleuse !

Sorti en 2019 et diffusé ce dimanche soir sur France 2, le reboot de la franchise Men in Black, baptisé "Men in Black International", a connu une production très houleuse et tendue, sanctionnée par un échec assez saignant en salle… Sorti en juin 2019, le reboot de la franchise Men in Black, baptisé Men in…

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