Santa Makes Stop At Advocate Good Samaritan NICU To Greet Newborns

DOWNERS GROVE, IL — Santa Claus recently made a stop to visit some of the newest arrivals at Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital.

Old St. Nick posed for photos with the babies and their parents. The newborns donned their own Santa hats, which were donated by volunteers at the hospital.

The photos were given to families to help commemorate their babies’ first Christmas.

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“This is a wonderful event to help bring joy to families every holiday season,” Leeanne Meyers, interim manager of the NICU, told Patch. “We love to see the smiles this event brings to families faces.”

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Chief Nursing Officer Roseanne Niese added, “This is a great tradition we look forward to every year. Thank you to Santa and all of our teammates and partners who help make it possible.”

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