Imported cut flowers entering Australia and Phytosanitary devita

Phytosanitary requirement for treated flowers entering Australia

Each consignment of flowers entering Australia; that have been devitalised overseas must be accompanied by an original Phytosanitary certificate that describes how the flowers have been treated. If flowers have been treated with fungicide for powdery mildew this also needs to be recorded on the Phytosanitary certificate. Phytosanitary certificates must meet the Minimum documentary requirements policy.

Source: Australian Quarantine Regulations (* Species requiring devitalisation treatment)

Devitalisation Treatments for Cut Flowers entering Australia


Note: Please note changes to Glyphosate dipping methodology for cut roses and Hypericum cut flowers, effective from 31/03/11.

Dipping method for Roses and Hypericums has been reviewed to remove the option of dipping the stems to a depth of at least 35 cm from the bottom of the stem.

Effective from 31 March 2011, cut flower stems of Roses and Hypericum must be immersed in the Glyphosate solution to within 5cm of the flower head. Phytosanitary certifications for consignments of roses and Hypericums will only be accepted if flowers have been dipped to within 5cm of the flower head and an endorsement to this effect had been included in the certification.

For all other propagatable cut flower species the dipping method remains as before. Please note that the dipping conditions including duration and species specific treatment dosages will continue to apply, as before.

  1. All propagatable cut flowers entering Australia must be devitalised. Devitalisation may be undertaken in the country of origin by AQIS accredited treatment facilities, or on arrival in Australia.
  2. AQIS will monitor the effectiveness of all devitalisation treatments. Routine evaluation will be undertaken on samples of plant material collected from imported consignments, and where the treatment (either preshipment or on arrival at an AQIS approved facility) is found to be ineffective, AQIS will withdraw its accreditation or approval to conduct devitalisation treatments. Accreditation to treat will only be reinstated following identification of the cause of failure and appropriate corrective action.