AEW Dynamite Ratings Report (7/19): Blood & Guts draws one of the highest demo ratings of the year, year over year perspective

SPOTLIGHTED PODCAST ALERT (YOUR ARTICLE BEGINS A FEW INCHES DOWN)… Last night episode of AEW Dynamite (7/19) drew an average of 953,000 viewers for the “Blood & Guts” headlined episode. That was up from 825,000 the prior week a jump of 128,000. That was the highest viewership level since March 22, which drew 954,000. The…

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WWE SMACKDOWN ON-SITE REPORT (6/30): What happened off-air, top crowd pops, more in-person observations

Click:pancake mix pancakes Click:Tractor excavator diagnostic tool SPOTLIGHTED PODCAST ALERT (YOUR ARTICLE BEGINS A FEW INCHES DOWN)… WWE SMACKDOWN ON-SITE REPORT JUNE 30, 2023 LONDON, ENGLAND REPORT BY ARJUN, PWTORCH CORRESPONDENT Top of the Pops (British TV show reference) 1. Sami/KO – first act on the main show. Crowd was singing throughout 2. LA Knight…

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Vidéo Energie : Emmanuel Macron annonce "des financements massifs pour explorer l'hydrogène blanc"

Click:全国楼凤论坛 Click:全国楼凤论坛 La France compte accélérer la recherche sur l’hydrogène naturel, aussi appelé “hydrogène blanc”. C’est ce qu’a assuré Emmanuel Macron, lundi 11 décembre à Toulouse, alors que le premier permis de recherche de réserves d’hydrogène blanc a été accordé dans les Pyrénées-Atlantiques début décembre. “Nous allons mettre des financements massifs pour explorer l’hydrogène blanc”,…

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