WWE announces October tour in Germany

SPOTLIGHTED PODCAST ALERT (YOUR ARTICLE BEGINS A FEW INCHES DOWN)… WWE will return to German for a four show tour in October of this year. The company announced the news early Monday morning on social media. Click Here: The tour will begin in Munich on October 25 and then wrap up in Berlin on October…

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New Japan issues statement on Mercedes Mone

SPOTLIGHTED PODCAST ALERT (YOUR ARTICLE BEGINS A FEW INCHES DOWN)… New Japan Pro Wrestling has issued a statement regarding Mercedes Mone and the injury she suffered at the NJPW Strong Resurgence event on Sunday night while wrestling in the main event. “During her match with Willow Nightingale in the main event of Resurgence May 21,…

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Iran : une chargée de plaidoyer à Amnesty International pointe du doigt "la complicité des procureurs" dans le sort des Iraniennes

Vendredi 8 décembre, Domitille Nicolet, chargée de plaidoyer dans le programme “Libertés et Violences policières” d’Amnesty International, est présente sur le plateau du 19/20 info pour parler du sort des femmes en Iran et de leur mouvement contestataire. Dans un dernier rapport, Amnesty International rend compte des violences subies. “On avait publié un appel aux…

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