Audio Note UK DAC and Cabling, Acapella Audio Arts Music Server, Integrated Amplifier, Loudspeakers and Cabling, HRS Equipment Rack

Staged by Cornelia and Michael Davis, the beautiful Audio Federation assemblage consisted of the Acapella Audio One music server ($6875), Audio Note UK DAC Five Signature ($98,355), Acapella LaMusika integrated amplifier ($110,000), new 93” tall, 450 lb. Acapella Audio Arts Campanile 2 loudspeakers with an updated spherical horn midrange (95dB at 8 ohms, $66,500/pair), and Acapella and Audio Note UK cabling.
Streaming a 16/44.1 file of the Mercury Living Presence version of Brahms’ Piano Concerto No. 1 in B flat major performed by Gina Bachauer, the sound was very large scale, clear, dynamic and clean.

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